Amix is a clean and user-friendly business software.
Its main targets are small to medium-size companies.
All pieces of Amix are generally useful except for one module which deals with wood manufacturing.
Amix is attractive for such companies because of two features:
- Ease of maintenance:
Amix is straightforward to install and maintain.
This is due to the fact, that its code base is reasonably small and written in 100% pure Java.
There is a standalone mode in which jetty is used as the HTTP server and
there is a web application mode through which Amix can be deployed on any application server, e.g. Tomcat.
Data storage is performed in two ways.
First all textual data is kept in a MySQL database and
second attached documents are put on the file system.
Both places are well organized and can be understood without difficulty.
- Ease of use:
I assume most people are familiar with editing forms on the web.
To use Amix nothing more is needed.
There is a menu which guides users to the part of Amix they want to go to
and there are inter page links which jump directly from one page to another, e.g. from the customer to
its related offers and orders.
In short, the interface of Amix is mostly click and play.
While being easy to maintain and use, Amix still provides many of the fundamental components of a full fledged business platform:
- Customer Relationship Management:
The customer relationship management part of Amix allows to add, remove and edit customers.
Customers can be looked up through a Google-style search form.
Offers can be recorded and transformed into orders related to a customer.
An order may be subdivided into smaller jobs.
- Invoicing:
For each order invoices can be created.
After an invoice is being generated as a PDF document, it may be printed and marked as an outstanding invoice.
When the invoice was paid, it can be moved to the finished invoices.
- Time Recording:
Time can be recorded on job granularity.
While recording time, besides the job, also the current activity must be specified.
This allows Amix to perform fine-granular analysis of what amount of time was spent for which activity.
- Financial Accounting:
Financial accounting may not be as full fledged as one could thing,
but consists mostly of creating invoices and performing analysis on entered work time.
For each employee monthly overviews and monthly statements are computed.
Besides that there is a per employee annual summary.